Saturday, July 9th 2016




What are cramps?
How can you avoid cramps?
Some stretches that can help you avoid cramps.

What are cramps?

Loss of magnesium and potassium (electrolytes)  and sodium through excessive sweating causes electrolyte imbalance leads to muscle cramps.

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How can you avoid cramps?

1) Load up on fresh bananas for an entire week before tourney - 2 to 3 per day.
2) Drink at least one cup of tomato juice per day for a week - to load up on sodium and salt.
3) Take calcium pills for an entire week before the game.
4) Night before the game - load up on carbs - pasta, potatoes etc.
5) Stretch your muscles thoroughly before each game.
6) Plenty of gatorade.

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Simple Stretches that you should hold for at least 30 seconds each.



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